During the project’s lifetime various dissemination and communication channels have been used. These included both online and offline channels. Furthermore, several dissemination materials and tools were produced during the project. The dissemination materials have been realized according to different communication needs, to various event typologies and to follow the project maturity and results, and have been deployed both on online platforms as well as offline during events and conferences. Please find below an overview of the MADFORWATER dissemination and communications materials and tools.
Four online and printed newsletters, available in English, French and Arabic, were produced during the project’s lifetime to inform the main stakeholders identified for this purpose on the project’s progress. Each newsletter was available in both English, French as Arabic.
Newsletter #1 (English / French / Arabic) focused on updates on the MADFORWATER activities, provided a list of the conferences where MADFORWATER had been or was to be presented and a wide description of our consortium!
Newsletter #2 ( English / French / Arabic) provided a project status update on the technologies for wastewater treatment and irrigation with treated wastewater as well as a short analysis of the use of economic instruments in water management in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia.
Newsletter #3 ( English / French / Arabic) provided a project status update on the results of the analysis of water security in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, and of its impact on food security and socio-economic development. It also illustrated the MADFORWATER model-based approach for the development of water and land management strategies in agriculture.
Newsletter #4 ( English / French / Arabic) presented the MADFORWATER approach for the analysis of water security in the North African context, the FAO Water Scarcity Initiative, the MADFORWATER Decision Support Tools for the development of strategies for wastewater management and for water management in agriculture, and the main results delivered by the four pilot plants of wastewater treatment and wastewater reuse for irrigation
Technical booklet
Another dissemination effort involves the publication of the MADFORWATER technical booklet, which focuses on the presentation of the main results attained by MADFORWATER in the
framework of the technological phase. In particular, the results of the development and adaptation of the WW and irrigation technologies at laboratory scale, as well as the results achieved in the 4 pilot plants of integrated WW treatment and agricultural reuse. The technical booklet is available in English, French and Arabic.
Based on the insights, practices and knowledge generated by the MADFORWATER project, two sets of guidelines were drafted:
A first set if guidelines were developed to support the adaptation of MADFORWATER tools, technologies and approaches to other basins in Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia and to other MENA countries, with the ultimate goal to maximize the project’s impact. The general goal of these guidelines is to allow stakeholders to perform the necessary activities in order to adapt the MADFORWATER technologies and water management tools to the specific context in which the considered technology or tool needs to be implemented. Please find these guidelines here.
A second set of guidelines was developed in support of market expansion in the MADFORWATER target countries. Within the scope of the MADFORWATER project an exploitation assessment was conducted in which the exploitation potential of the developed MADFORWATER solutions and tools was assessed, resulting in suitable exploitation routes and several business models. Based on this confidential assessment, guidelines for the market expansion of water and irrigation European companies in the Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt were drafted with the aim of stimulating business potential and opportunities. Please find these guidelines here.
Promotional material
Additional materials were developed to communicate the values and results of the project: brochures, flyers, posters and other required physical materials, often printed. These materials were used at public and private events and conferences, and include:
A project factsheet, that can be downloaded here!
Our project leaflet! In the leaflet, The MADFORWATER objectives and benefits were presented, together with a contact details and presentation of the partners involved in the project.
At the project end a final leaflet was published, summarizing the overall results of the project including pilot descriptions and results as well as the achieved decisions support tools
and water managements strategies. The final leaflet was published in English, French and Arabic.
For the purpose of dissemination at events two posters were developed: (1) a main project poster depicting the MADFORWATER aim, objectives, as well as the technologies affected by the project, and (2) a progress poster, presenting the progress and results of the project.