Last December, the MADFORWATER partners met in Agadir (Morocco) for the second project meeting, to analyze the project activities implemented so far and plan the upcoming initiatives.
The MADFORWATER project – funded in the frame of the EU Horizon 2020 call for action topic WATER-5c-2015 – aims at producing a relevant and long-term impact in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia in terms of wastewater treatment and reuse, thus improving agricultural production as well as decreasing exploitation of water reserves and water pollution.
After their internal meeting, on December 16 the project partners met about 20 Moroccan, Tunisian and Egyptian stakeholders, such as directors of wastewater management agencies and irrigation ministries, experts of basin authorities and members of NGOs. During the meeting, these stakeholders were informed about the goals and expected results of MADFORWATER and expressed their opinion on the needs and gaps in terms of water management and irrigation in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt.
Over the next four years, the partners of the MADFORWATER project will be involved in developing and tailoring technological and management solutions focused on wastewater treatment and efficient reuse in agriculture in North Africa.