AfriAlliance’s Innovative Solutions Transfer (IBE) workshop aims to serve as a platform and an opportunity for meetings between universities, research and development centres and research and development companies. the water and climate change sector, as well as collaborators, funders and potential investors. The goal is to facilitate the commercialization, recognition and dissemination of innovations. As part of the AfriAlliance project, 5 IBE are organized, covering the 5 major regions of Africa. These events present and allow partnerships to emerge between African and European water sector innovators. The event brings together the supply and demand for innovation of the water sector for productive exchanges of knowledge and technologies
Dr. Redouane Choukr-Allah represented MADFORWATER in this event on 30 septembre 2019 in Marrakech in Maroc by giving an overview on the project and its Innovations in terms of adapted technologies for treating wastewater in northern African regions and irrigation technologies adapted to wastewater. He also, gave more detail on the project in round table meeting for a period of 45 mn.
Dr Choukr-Allash presenting MADFORWATER
Around 60 persons attend this workshop including Students, Local institution ( ONEE, ABH, ORMVA, RADEEMA) International Institutions ( OIEau, RAOB, 2iE, CNES, GMES-Afrique) international Networks (EURAQUA, RAJEZOH) and private compagnies (LYDEC – groupe Suez) and ONG.
Pannelist of the session Roundtable meeting of Dr. Choukr-Allah with different participants in the session
Mme. Awawou Manouore Njoya, RAJEZOH Pr. François Zougmoré, Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Burkina Faso